Hand-woven Oaxacan Flecked Rug

from $337.00

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In an earthy grey from modern palette, this Zapotec rug was designed to impress.

From the sustainably-sourced local sheep wool to the natural dyes created from native plant pigments, these rugs are completely non-toxic, and meticulously handwoven on a pedal loom.

For the OAXACA ATELIER, quality is in the details. In this small but vibrant community, there is a deep tradition of weaving with the pedal loom, introduced by the Dominican monks in the 16th century. Rugs are meticulously handwoven, and each work is the unique combination of natural fibers, dyes, history, culture and design.

Custom sizes and colours available on request. Contact our team for more details. Please allow 3-5 weeks lead time for each order.

Material - Wool
Handmade in Mexico

Shipped by Obakki

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